A major chunk of the Rs 525-crore allocation made in the budget for maintenance of vehicles in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation has been found to be misappropriated by the officials concerned during the past five years.
-Autos shown in records as 25-tonne tipper trucks
-Maintenance cost higher than cost of new vehicles
-Expenditure claimed on vehicles not in use
-Expenses for 7 vehicles were claimed in 2 offices :
(AP11W3658, AEY6739, AP9T9, AP11X6060, AP11v5323 (KVD), AP29T0091, F/R 23244).
Officials are unable to account for nearly Rs 100-crore of what was sanctioned for repairs, periodic overhaul and fuels of the corporation’s large fleet of 874 vehicles. An RTI reply by municipal officials stated that nearly Rs 167 crore was spent for vehicle maintenance and Rs 363 crore on fuel during past five years. Similarly, three-wheeler autos engaged were shown as tipper lorries and 25-tonne vehicles in the account books for drawing extra amounts under the head.
Moreover, several vehicles belonging to GHMC were used by private parties. Some of the vehicles involved in traffic violation were challaned adding to the cost of vehicle maintenance. Shockingly, it was also disclosed that GHMC incurred Rs 1.5 lakh expenditure for the maintenance of a motorcycle and Rs 1.24 lakh for a Bajaj Chetak for five years. Disclosing details given by the GHMC in response to the query, Lok Satta leader B Sambi Reddy said that out of 874 vehicles, 370 vehicles were found to be more than 15 years old while some 99 vehicles were declared unfit by the Transport Department.
He alleged that it was a hundred-crore scam by GHMC officials. He said, “The amounts spend by GHMC on the maintenance of vehicles was nearly four times the value of a new vehicle.” Ironically, no action was taken against people responsible for indulging in over expenditure, though a vigilance and ACB enquiry was conducted on the issue in the past.
The enquiry report is still with the department concerned. Another Lok Satta functionary Jagan Metla alleged that municipal officials have unscrupulously shown non-existent expenditure. He questioned the inaction of government even after conducting an enquiry against several officers concerned with the GHMC Transport Department.